Chomsky's 4 main arguments for the necessity of Universal Grammar.

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Chomsky's 4 main arguments for the necessity of Universal Grammar. создатель Mind Map: Chomsky's 4 main arguments for the necessity of Universal Grammar.

1. Denegrate, meagre and minute language input.

2. Ease and speed of child language acquisition

3. The irrelevance of intelligence in language learning.

4. Simultaneous multilinguals and the problem of multiple settings on a single parameter.

5. child learns two different languages wuthiut any special difficulty and is fluent bilingual

6. language learning is essentially independent of intelligence

7. Objection: "the more intelligent the person, the better the grammar would be

8. Chomsky: "in large measures of sentences that deviate iin the form of idealized structures defined by the grammar that the child develops.

9. Objection: "The child takes in what it can understand and simply discards what it cannot process

10. Chomsky: " A child is able to gain perfect mastery of the language with incomparably greater ease and without any explicit instruction

11. Objection: The relativety long time inmplies. There is plenty of time for a child to learn a language.