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1. Professional teachers see their school as a learning community in which they

1.1. interact with their colleagues

1.2. share with their colleagues

1.3. and listen to their colleagues.

1.4. They always use the term we.

2. Effective teachers must be a professional educator that constantly learn and grow.

2.1. you will become much better than when you started

2.2. trying several new ideas each year, you will have added untold new skills to your repertoire within a few years

2.3. By improving ourselves we will benefit all of our students.

2.4. Teachers who work at being effective will create classrooms in which students can successfully learn.

3. emphasizes the personal benefits of becoming an effective teacher

3.1. it is important to put effort into improving

3.1.1. yourself increasing your professional skills, improving your ability to work cooperatively with others, and improving your ability to lead or get others to work productively.

3.1.2. your colleagues

3.1.3. your work environment

4. explains the difference between a teacher and a professional educator.

4.1. the professional (effecitve) teacher

4.1.1. participates, learns, and grows.

4.1.2. goes to conferences and conventions.

4.1.3. keeps up with professional literature.

4.1.4. observes effective teachers.

4.1.5. joining or organizing professional support groups,

4.1.6. using proven research

4.2. an ineffective teacher

4.2.1. complains about the problems in a school and wishes things were better.

4.2.2. continues on as a maintainer or survivor, never going beyond the minimum amount of work to get by.