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Technology Throughout the Day создатель Mind Map: Technology Throughout the Day

1. Evening

1.1. Computer for news, more schoolwork and programs like this one, check Facebook and emails, maybe amazon, at least 2 hours of TV

1.1.1. + I can do all of this without ever getting up, having stuff delivered...no driving necessary, programs like this can be fun..bring out creativity in me. online education is a convenience that allows me to accomplish a degree in less time than if I had to travel to a campus.

1.1.2. - I can do all this stuff without ever getting up. Lack of social interactions can be unhealthy, learning in an actual classroom is more enguaging.

2. Morning

2.1. Facebook, email, news/weather, school assignments

2.2. + stay in touch with family and friends, stay off the TV, start and stop school work at convieniencs

2.3. - avoid face to face interaction with friends/family, lose the learning experience of class time

3. Afternoon

4. Actual: Email, coursework,          If I were a teacher: mathlab, wolfram aplha, any number of online math programs, graphing calculator, smartboard, attendance/grading program, texting

4.1. + immediate communication, time saving graphics on smartboard, scaffolding, assisting more students at one time, instant access to grades

4.2. - math programs not always ideal for struggling students, less one on one time, graphing is often best done by hand until the concept is learned inside and out. Less communication with parents with online grading platforms.