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Louis XIV Mind Map создатель Mind Map: Louis XIV Mind Map

1. Wars

1.1. War of the Grand Alliance

1.1.1. It was predicted that France was going to be the new occupant to the Spanish throne.

1.1.2. The Hapsburgs fought over it.

1.1.3. The Roman emperor, Leopold I, knew what Louis was up to.

1.1.4. Austria's Leopolds formed the Grand Alliance. (England, Spain, and the Netherlands

1.1.5. Louis overtook the Grand Alliance

1.1.6. During the end of the war, Louis considered a peace treaty but it was pointless. In 1701, a real decisive war began over the Spanish succession.

1.2. War of Spanish Succession

1.2.1. After the death of Spain's ruler, Charles II, the Austrians prepared for war with the French.

1.2.2. Each is fighting on behalf of a grandson or son who is not next in line for the French or the Austrian throne.

1.2.3. Each side is trying to take control of Spain's territory

1.2.4. The final years of the war were not very severe and peace negotiations were discussed between the opposing countries.

1.2.5. After the death of Louis XIV, Charles VI  is placed on the throne of Spain's empire.He agrees to a treaty with other European powers in 1914

2. Finance

2.1. Although Louis was on the throne at the age of 4, Cardinal Mazarin was his financial adviser.

2.2. Louis took total control of the government while relying on Jean-Baptiste Colbert for financial situations.

2.3. A deflect struck due to a trading problem with the Dutch Republic

2.4. The amount of taxes was raised which caused France's debt to drop by over 50 million livres.

2.5. Without the help of the two financial advisers Louis XIV wouldn't have been as successful.

3. Arts

3.1. Chose art over politics

3.2. Versailles offered an artistic nature

3.3. Louis took pride over decorating his country

3.4. Created an image of France that showed how wealthy they are.

3.5. He was a huge patriot of the arts.

3.6. He immortalized himself in paintings so that he will be remembered by the future generations

4. Absolutism

4.1. Louis wanted to reign France all by himself

4.2. Accomplished that by improving the system of France's taxes

4.3. Approached foreign policies by invading the Spanish Netherlands

4.4. His notable statement, "I am the state" was the ultimate declaration of absolutism.

4.5. He was successful in wars, having fought most of the countries in Europe.