Начать. Это бесплатно
или регистрация c помощью Вашего email-адреса
iDrive app создатель Mind Map: iDrive app

1. Authorization

1.1. Registered User

1.2. LinkedIn

1.3. Facebook

1.4. Google+

2. Profile

2.1. Name/Nick

2.2. Avatar/Photo

2.3. Experience

2.4. Phone Number

2.5. Car

2.6. Response

2.7. eMail

2.8. Password

3. Messages

3.1. Send

3.2. Incoming

3.3. Notifications

4. Ratings

4.1. Top Users

5. Registration

5.1. New User

5.2. LinkedIn

5.3. Facebook

5.4. Google+

6. Find trip

6.1. From

6.2. To

6.3. Date

7. Offer trip

7.1. From

7.2. To

7.3. Date

7.4. Time of origin

8. Donation

8.1. PayPal

8.2. Visa/MasterCard

8.3. Like

9. User Info

9.1. Avatar/Photo

9.2. Name/Nick

9.3. Car

9.4. Send Massage

9.5. Experience

9.6. Response