Why upgrade software in the college?

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Why upgrade software in the college? создатель Mind Map: Why upgrade software in the college?

1. Cheaper to consider alternative software.

2. Cost.

3. Stability.

4. Security.

5. Patch flaws, exploits, bugs and glitches. Less crashes.

6. Pointless training someone on outdated software.

7. Easier to use.

8. Waste of time, effort and money otherwise.

9. As it is has become refined for the user's experience.

10. Positive

11. KEY:

12. Negative

13. Point/Neutral

14. Performance.

15. Improved Speed.

16. Up to date.

17. Efficient.

18. New features.

19. Open-source-free use software.

20. Unethical for a business to not make use of a buyable license.

21. General improvements that refine the resources used