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Sirius XM создатель Mind Map: Sirius XM

1. Internet Dependent

1.1. Internet connectivity costs

2. Competition

2.1. AM/FM Broadcasters

2.2. In-dash infotainment

2.3. Smartphones

2.4. Internet radio

2.5. Internet music streams

2.6. Personal devices

3. Consumers

3.1. Vehicle Owners

3.2. Boat owners

3.3. Airlines

3.4. Car rental agencies

3.5. Retailers

3.6. Brick & Mortar businesses

3.7. Call centers

4. Low/No subscription costs

5. No explicit upfront costs for radio use

6. Playable on multiple devices

7. May move to cheaper internet offerings

8. Untapped markets

9. Portable

10. Costs

10.1. Programming

10.2. Royalties

10.3. Dealer incentives

10.4. Manufacturer incentives

10.5. Infrastructure

10.6. Operational

10.7. Marketing

10.7.1. Cross-promote

10.8. Debt

11. Features

11.1. Customizable

11.2. Single Source for wide content

11.3. Exclusive content

11.4. Accessible in remote areas

11.5. Mobile app

11.6. Strong automaker relationships

11.7. Relationship with Liberty Media

11.8. Partnerships with car rental agencies

12. Limitations

12.1. Within America

12.1.1. FCC regulated

12.1.2. Potential to expand to other regions

12.2. Non-portable

12.2.1. Leverage online app

12.3. Limited content compared to internet

12.3.1. Incorporate internet programming

13. Renegotiate favorable rates