Grade 8: How to Become a Master Math Ninja

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Grade 8: How to Become a Master Math Ninja создатель Mind Map: Grade 8: How to Become a Master Math Ninja

1. Blue Belt

1.1. measurement ninja

1.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to measurement

1.2.1. 1. “All ninjas train in dojos on mountain tops.” Students will use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the height of several mountains (triangles).

1.2.2. 2. Students will determine the surface area and volume of several dojos. Then, they will work together and form a plan of attack for taking down enemy ninjas. Mathematical principals must be used in the reasoning of the battle plan.

1.3. belt test to earn blue belt (unit review)

2. Purple Belt

2.1. shape ninja

2.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to describing shapes

2.2.1. 1. Students will draw their dojo (classroom) from several viewpoints.

2.3. belt test to earn purple belt (unit review)

3. Red Belt

3.1. motion ninja

3.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to object motion

3.2.1. 1. Students will complete a series of questions on congruent polygons.

3.3. belt test to earn red belt (unit review)

4. Brown Belt

4.1. data ninja

4.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to data analysis

4.2.1. 1. Students will demonstrate their learning through the use of a variety of graphs.  All graphs will be displayed on posters. display their most difficult training topics using a circle graph demonstrate the number of math ninjas in the school using a pictograph show how many hours of training they have completed per day during one week using a bar graph depict their progress as a ninja using a line graph

4.3. belt test to earn brown belt (unit review)

5. Black Belt

5.1. probability ninja

5.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to probability

5.2.1. 1. As a part of their training, students will determine the probability of several events as a collective.

5.3. belt test to earn black belt (unit review)

6. White Belt

6.1. beginner ninja

6.2. all students start at this level

7. Yellow Belt

7.1. number ninja

7.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to numbers sense

7.2.1. 1. “To be a ninja, your favourite number must be a perfect square. No ninja can have the same favourite number.” Students must determine as many perfect squares as they can and display them on the classroom wall.

7.2.2. 2. Students will break themselves into groups of ninjas per a list of ratios provided by the sensei.

7.2.3. 3. “An enemy has disguised their numbers in code using fractions and integers. In order to determine how many enemies that we will need to battle, crack the code!” Students will answer several multiplication and division questions on a worksheet.

8. Orange Belt

8.1. pattern ninja

8.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to patterns

8.2.1. 1. Students will graph a list of linear relations in order to determine the battle patterns of enemy ninjas.

8.3. belt test to earn orange belt (unit review)

9. Green Belt

9.1. algebra ninja

9.2. students complete the set of quests corresponding to algebra skills

9.2.1. 1. As part of their ninja training, students will collaborate to solve several riddles using linear equations.

9.3. belt test to earn green belt (unit review)


10.1. possesses all nine belts

10.2. passes the master ninja test (course review)