All About The Brown Throated Sunbird

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All About The Brown Throated Sunbird создатель Mind Map: All About The Brown Throated Sunbird

1. If you've seen one of this bird then you've come to the right place. I will be telling you all about the brown throated sunbird. The male has yellow on the breast and belly with pearly pinkish brown throat. The upper parts of the bird are gleaming green and purple. The wings are brown with a purple patch on the shoulder. The female has an olive-green on the upper parts and yellowish on the under parts, with a explanatory broken eye ring. The bird is the second most common bird after the olive backed sunbird.

2. Countries That The Bird Is In The birds are very common in some countries which makes it very easy to spot. The common places are Mainland south east Asia, Thai-Malay peninsula, Greater and Lesser Sundas and Philippines.

3. The Male and the female? Did you know that the male is more colourful than the female? Although the female is not as colourful as the male. An other fact is that most of the colourful birds are usually a male.

4. What Kind Of Habitats Do They Live In? The brown throated sunbird lives in many different places but the places are rainforests,mangroves,secondary forests and primary forests,old plantations, scrub and parklands,including urban green spaces.

5. What Do They Eat? The bird has really boring diet when it comes to food. All they eat is mostly nectar from coconut palms and from hibiscus and tubular flowers, small colourful fruits and invertebrates such as spiders.