•Does magnetism affect the growth of plants? What we know

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•Does magnetism affect the growth of plants? What we know создатель Mind Map: •Does magnetism affect the growth of plants?  What we know

1. Magnetism attract magnetic objects

1.1. Magnetic materials(metals)

1.1.1. Cobalt

1.1.2. Iron

1.1.3. Nickon

1.1.4. Steel

1.2. not plants

2. Plant growth is affect by the

2.1. water

2.2. oxygen

2.2.1. respiration

2.3. carbon dioxide

2.3.1. photosynthesis

2.4. light

2.5. minerrals(type of soil)

2.5.1. growth

3. Magnetism affects the amount of minerals in soil .

3.1. minerals affect plant growth

4. New node

5. All green areas of plants have iron

5.1. very few