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Chapter 4 создатель Mind Map: Chapter 4

1. Bitmaps Graphics

1.1. Advantages: -Can have different textures on the drawings; detailed and comprehensive.

1.2. Disadvantages: -Large file size -Not easy to make modification to objects/drawings

2. Image editing programs enable the user to: -Enhance and make composite images -Alter and distort images -Add and delete elements

3. Vector-drawn graphics: -Applications of vector-drawn object -How vector-drawn images work -Vector-drawn images versus bitmaps

4. Image File Compression: -lossless compression -Lossy compression

5. Still images are generated in two ways: -Bitmaps (raster) -Vector-drawn graphics

6. Bitmaps: -Bitmapped images can have varying bit and color depths. -A bitmap is made up of individual dots or picture elements known as pixels or pels.

7. Vector Graphics

7.1. Advantages: -Vector images use less memory space. -Vector objects are easily scalable without loss of resolution or image quality.

7.2. Disadvantages: -Objects/drawings cannot have texture. -cannot be used for photorealistic images.

8. Features of a 3-D application: Modeling - Placing all the elements into 3-D space. Extrusion - The shape of a plane surface extends some distance. Lathing - A profile of the shape is rotated around a defined axis.