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English 307 Goals & Objectives создатель Mind Map: English 307 Goals & Objectives

1. My Course Expectations

1.1. 1. Rhetoric: To learn and adapt new rhetorical concepts that will aid me in composing a variety of texts that suit various settings, genres and audiences.

1.1.1. DD7HW3: Team Proposal Writing. This related to the rhetoric because we had to create an abstract company, United Acquisitions (UA), and decide on what our company specializes in and what it was going to offer to the CEO of UA

1.2. 2. Process: To create strategies that enable me to successfully complete various tasks

1.2.1. Various strategies could include frequently referencing grammatical and structural guidelines Terra Brethwaite's GSP#2 provided me with good guidelines as to what a sentence fragment is and how to avoid or fix one

1.3. 3. Information Literacy & Management: to recognize the importance of the ability to manage, comprehend and analyze various streams of information by different processes of design

1.3.1. Career Analysis: used various LinkedIn profiles, UA career guidelines and other resources to gather all pertinent information relevant to my future career

1.4. 4. Multimodal: To be able to analyze, digest and examine different multimedia platforms whether it be in the professional world or other settings

1.4.1. DD6HW3: Researching Backwards. This assignment of researching backwards required me to be able to analyze, digest and examine literature articles to discover new resources. I've never had to do research of this type so it was very interesting to work backwards.

1.5. 5. Collaborative: To adapt new skills and characteristics that are frequently used when building relationships and connections such as constructive critiquing and efficient team work

1.5.1. Discovered the skills and characteristics that are necessary and frequently used for my future ideal career. The Project #2 will also require team collaboration which will satisfy this course expectation

1.6. 6. Reflect/Transfer: To reflect on all topics learned while in ENGL 307 and how to effectively transfer these experiences into every day instances and future occupational endeavours

1.6.1. DD6 Digital Notes by Ari Antila. Ari's reading notes on Chapter 18, Recommendation Reports coincides perfectly with the Reflect/ Transfer point. Reflecting on her notes requires me to review these recommendations and to transfer these lessons into my future work on Project #2 where I will need to prepare and construct many reports.

1.6.2. Project #1 Grade/Review Remarks: Reviewing my grade remarks made by Angelia causes me to reflect on what was done accurately and what was done insufficiently. I will take her recommendations and further improve my resume and other pertinent documents to aid my with any future occupational endeavours

1.7. 7. Genre: To understand and be able to inform others of the importance of situation specific writing conventions and how they fit in their respective type of professional scenario

1.8. 8. Ethics: To be accounted for the ethical requirements that various professional worlds require.

1.8.1. In TJ Johns' DD3HW4, TJ discusses his need to be competent in the Chinese culture in attempts to better his business.

2. My Course Goals

2.1. 1. To feel comfortable writing and operating in multiple facets of media and modes. 2. To be adequately prepared and capable of using my composing skills in all spaces and activities.

2.1.1. Resume work: compiled and constructed three different types of resumes which satisfies #1 of my course goals. After this exercise, I feel comfortable writing in varying formats of media

3. 307 Course Goals

3.1. 1. To introduce you to major processes used when writing in a variety of media and modalities; and 2. To give you the space and support to try a variety of activities to improve your composing skills.

3.1.1. DD1HW6: My Work Space

3.1.2. My Own Words: To acquaint myself with the various resources that can be used when writing for different needs. These resources include but are not limited to social, interactive, creative and online applications that encourage collaborative work.

4. 307 Course Expectations

4.1. 1. Rhetoric: Use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and composing a multitude of business and professional texts and genres responding to a variety of cultural situations and global audiences

4.2. 2. Process: develop and use flexible strategies to perform different tasks such as reading, drawing, collaborating and revising

4.2.1. DD1HW10: Skills assessment Comma lessons! ~Rachel

4.3. 3. Information Literacy & Management: Identify need for and then manage, analyze, synthesize, and implement multiple streams of simultaneous information through various technological and document design processes.

4.4. 4. Multimodal: Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia business and professional texts.

4.4.1. commenting, critiquing and questioning various documents, syllabi, rubrics, websites etc.

4.4.2. To identify and analyze various forms of professional texts by commenting, critiquing, and questioning various aspects of the document.

4.5. 5.Collaborative: Develop intentional cross-cultural connections and relationships with others to participate in the collaborative and social aspects of business and professional writing processes, including giving and responding to productive feedback and working in teams.

4.5.1. DD2HW7

4.5.2. GSP by Joseph E. His GSP on wordiness helped me greatly when actively participating in collaborative work. As it is, collaborative work can be sometimes difficulty and unorganized because there are so many brains working together on one subject. It is important to keep my work simple, concise and to the point when working with other to avoid any chance of confusion.

4.6. 6. Reflect/Transfer: Reflect on the development of composing practices and how those practices influence their work.

4.7. 7. Genre: Explain why genre conventions for structure, paragraphing, tone, and mechanics vary and extrapolate common formats and/or design features for different kinds of business and professional texts.

4.8. 8. Ethics: Classify and attend to the ethical responsibilities required by complex business and professional contexts, genres, and communication environments.