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Web 2.0 in the Secondonary создатель Mind Map: Web 2.0 in the Secondonary

1. Tools

1.1. Easy Bib

1.1.1. Bibliography creator

1.1.2. Creates citations for copy/paste into a document

1.1.3. www.easybib.com

1.2. Zamzar

1.2.1. Converts files into other formats

1.2.2. Downloads video directly from youtube

1.2.3. www.zamzar.com

1.3. PDF my URL

1.3.1. Create a PDF document of any website

1.3.2. pdfmyurl.com

2. Video

2.1. Animoto

3. Presentations

3.1. Prezi

3.1.1. www.prezi.com

3.1.2. http://www.nbcsd.org/Page/1615

4. Review/Quiz/Practice

4.1. Quizlet

4.1.1. Create or find flashcards

4.1.2. create quiz/review activities

4.1.3. Used for vocabulary

4.1.4. www.quizlet.com

4.2. Jeopardy Labs

4.2.1. Browse/create your own activities using premade templates

4.2.2. No need for powerpoint

4.2.3. http://jeopardylabs.com/

4.3. New node