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Tyler K's Nutrition Inquiry создатель Mind Map: Tyler K's Nutrition Inquiry

1. Big Idea 1: We eat food to get nutrients their function helps up to survive.

1.1. Why do we eat fatty foods when we know that it makes are bodies bigger in a negative way.

1.1.1. I think we eat it because just know it tastes good and don't think about the negative effects We eat these fatty food because we don't care what will happen to our bodies. We just eat the food because we find it delicious and some people don't care about their weight.

1.2. How do restaurants get away with giving others unhealthy foods.

1.2.1. I think restaurants get away with it because it makes them more money. Restaurants get away with this because they just want to make money and others let them do it because they get some of their profit.

2. Big Idea 2: Portion size, nutritional contents and ingredients help us make better food choices?

2.1. Why is it more expensive to eat healthy then to eat junk food.

2.1.1. I think it is more expensive because it takes more time to make healthy food then junk food It Is more expensive because it take longer to grow or manufacture healthy food then unhealthy food.

2.2. Why don't all restaurants use 100% nutritious foods in there meals.

2.2.1. I think they don't use 100% nutritious food because they want to save money They don't use 100% nutritious because they don't want to spend more money on nutritious foods

3. Big Idea 3: We can do better create a positive relationship between us and our community and food.

3.1. Why do people go to restaurants and order unhealthy food when they know the nutritional facts

3.1.1. I think people order unhealthy food because they don't really know a lot about what they do to your body