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FIRE создатель Mind Map: FIRE

1. chemical phenomenon

1.1. severe destruction by burning "forest fire"

1.1.1. severe torture or death by burning severe trial, ordeal "fire of the battle" go through fire and water

1.1.2. fire and brimstone

1.2. controlled burning of a collection of fuel

1.3. to set fire to "fire the straw"

1.3.1. [pottery] to bake or dry "fire bricks"

1.3.2. to feed the fire of an appliance "fire the boiler"

1.3.3. to tend to a fire

1.3.4. a source/manifestation of energy to apply fuel to/ignite "fire the engine" starting up electronic devices "fire up the computer" to operate " the spark plug fires" fire on all cylinders

1.3.5. marijuana

1.4. refers to one of the four alchemists/elements (fire, water, earth, air)

1.5. refers to the horoscope signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

1.6. source of heat from a burning mass of material

1.6.1. play with fire

1.6.2. controlled burning of a collection of fuel "campfire"

1.6.3. [British] domestic heating appliance

1.6.4. heat used for cooking, as in on a stove

2. to light up (as if by fire)

2.1. a glowing/luminous quality "star's fire"

2.2. brilliancy, as of a gem

2.3. fantastic

2.4. set the world on fire

3. [music] to ring the bells of a chime all at once

4. burning sensation

4.1. strength, as of an alcoholic beverage

4.2. fever or inflammation

4.3. hot, sexy

5. the discharging of artillery from a firearm "fired the gun"

5.1. to discharge/launch "fire a rocket"

5.1.1. to shoot an arrow

5.1.2. to throw with speed or force "fired the ball to first base" to score in a game or contest

5.2. the rain of bullets as a result of shooting (many) firearms "machine-gun fire"

5.2.1. to direct questions at someone rapidly and possibly aggressively "quickfire round" intense (verbal) criticism fire off draw fire under fire fire away

5.3. open fire

5.4. hold fire

5.5. to transmit a nerve impulse

6. to drive out or away (as if) by fire

6.1. to dismiss someone from a job/position

7. to excite/stimulate/inspire "fire your imagination"

7.1. energy, enthusiasm "full of fire"

7.1.1. fire in the/one's belly

7.1.2. light a fire under (someone)

7.1.3. on fire

7.2. anger "fired up"

7.2.1. breathe fire

7.3. burning passion "fire in the lovers' hearts"

7.4. liveliness of imagination "fire of his oratory"