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Breast Cancer создатель Mind Map: Breast Cancer

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Triple Negative (ER-, PR-, HER-)

1.2. HER +

1.3. Luminal A

1.4. Luminal B

2. Genetics

2.1. Chromosome 17 (BRCA1)

2.2. Chromosome 13 (BRCA2)

2.3. Tumor Suppressor Genes ( CHK2 and TP53)

3. Risk Factors

3.1. Age 40 and older

3.2. Taller Women

3.3. High BMI

3.4. Early menarche <12 yrs old and late menopause >55 yrs old

3.5. Smoking

3.6. Alcohol

4. Diagnostic Testing

4.1. Mammography

4.2. Biopsy

4.3. Fine Needle Aspiration

4.4. Ultrasound

5. Treatment

5.1. Mastectomy

5.2. Lymph Node Dissection

5.3. Chemotherapy

5.4. Radiation

5.5. Endocrine Therapy

6. Inflammation

6.1. Cytolytic T Lymphocytes

6.2. Chronic activation of Humoral Immunity

6.3. Infiltration by Th2 Cells

6.4. Protumor-polarized innante inflammatory cells

6.5. Innate and adaptive Leukocytes