European Revolutions of 1848

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European Revolutions of 1848 создатель Mind Map: European Revolutions of 1848

1. German Central Europe

1.1. Indpendent national ideas

1.2. potato blight

1.3. tensions rise

1.4. upper class infleced by romanticistions

2. Background

2.1. nations industialising

2.2. perivous class structure changed

2.3. new top class

2.4. old teachings not useful

2.5. low people cant prosper

3. The springtime of peoples

3.1. poor havests

3.2. disease outbreak

3.3. political unrest

3.4. trade and economic disruption

3.5. Pope Pinus XI election

3.6. social reforms libreal

3.7. failed due to lack of able supporters

3.8. French government reconizes unions

3.9. German Fedral revolution

3.10. black gold red sash colors

3.11. Happsburg empire divied

4. Magyars

4.1. hugarian kingdom

4.2. powerfull and diverse

4.3. lots of influnce at this time

4.4. 12 demands

4.4.1. liberty no censorship

4.4.2. responsible ministry

4.4.3. annual diet at Pesth

4.4.4. Equality of all classes

4.4.5. national guard

4.4.6. equal distrubition of taxes

4.4.7. abolktion of territoral laws

4.4.8. trial by jury

4.4.9. national bank

4.4.10. army all citizens

4.4.11. amnesty for police officers

4.4.12. union of transyvaina and hungury

4.5. revolts in vienna

4.5.1. soliders sent in

5. Poles of Garlicia

5.1. natial laws

5.2. universla sufferage

5.3. govemrnent discuss all complements

5.4. native army

5.5. civil unrest in vienna

5.6. 13,000 men deserted

6. Austrial empire

6.1. made arragments for more consiturtions

6.2. econmic problems increase

6.3. funded the uneployed

6.4. transyvaina and hungary union

7. French Revolution

7.1. need for order

7.2. after Frances other revolutions

7.3. post napoleonic era

8. Italian Revolution

8.1. spread nationalism