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The 14th Amendment создатель Mind Map: The 14th Amendment

1. Effects

1.1. Indian Education Act

1.1.1. Improved Native Americans education

1.2. Brown v Board of Education

1.2.1. It overturned Plessy v Ferguson

1.2.2. It happened on May 17, 1954 and the Supreme Court said it violated t

1.3. Individual with Disabilities Education Act

1.3.1. Students receive individual plans to accommodate disabilities

1.3.2. Allows students with disabilities to go to schools that match their specific needs.

1.4. Voting Act of 1965

1.4.1. Eliminated literacy tests

1.4.2. This increased minority registration and voting

1.5. Americans with Disabilities Act

1.5.1. Prevents discrimination in a workplace and gives them the same opportunities to participate in the economy and programs

1.5.2. Allows people to sue employers who don't accommodate their disability

1.6. Civil Rights Act

1.6.1. Protected voting rights and allowed the government to prosecute anyone who tried to prevent or limit voting rights

1.6.2. Outlawed discrimination based on religion, sex, and national origin

1.6.3. Outlawed segregation in businesses, schools, employment practices, and public places

2. Terms

2.1. Equal protection

2.1.1. Gave legal right and protection to many people

2.2. Equal pay

2.2.1. Women were payed the same as men in the same work

3. Origin

3.1. Black codes

3.1.1. The black codes were passed in 1865 by Southern legislatures

3.1.2. The codes limited the rights of freed African Americans

3.2. Dred Scott

3.2.1. He was an African American slave until his owner died

3.2.2. He sued for his freedom and the Supreme Court ruled that since he was from an enslaved family he was not a citizen and had no legal rights to sue.

3.3. Plessy v Ferguson

3.3.1. It was a case during 1896 which the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public places was legal

4. The Amendment

4.1. Provides equal protection

4.2. Prevents state and federal government from creating legal forms of discrimination