Overall goal : To improve the resilience of IDPs and inhabitants of Pauktaw township through sust...

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Overall goal : To improve the resilience of IDPs and inhabitants of Pauktaw township through sustainable living conditions создатель Mind Map: Overall goal : To improve the resilience of IDPs and inhabitants of Pauktaw township through sustainable living conditions

1. Objective 1. To develop sustainable habitats

1.1. 1. Market assessment and use of available quality seasonal material

1.2. 2. Reparation and reconstruction of destroyed houses

1.3. 3. Reparation and replacement of shelters

2. Objective 2. To enhance local involvement and ownership of the project both at the implementation and evaluation stage of the intervention while transmitting DRR knowledge

2.1. 1. Vulnerability and capacity analysis & selection of beneficiaries with the community

2.2. 2. Technical training on safe installations for IDPs and community brigades

2.3. 3. Groups for Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness (PASSA) within the local community

2.4. 4. Cash-based assistance program for individual shelters

2.5. 5. Feedback mechanisms