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Services - What We Charge for? создатель Mind Map: Services - What We Charge for?

1. WordPress Development Retainers

1.1. Technical WordPress Development

1.2. Design and Front End

1.3. Speed And stability

1.4. Long Term Growth

1.5. Business Consulting and Research

1.6. Marketing assistance

1.7. Server and Website Maintenance

1.8. Open Source countributors

2. Custom WordPress Development

2.1. Request a website leads to a form

3. WordPress SaaS and Platform Development

4. WordPress Maintance

4.1. Upgrading the WordPress stack

4.2. Server and uptime monitoring

4.3. Version of code

4.4. Log monitoring

4.5. Access to our system with additions

4.6. Content updates

4.7. Ongoing development

4.8. Further development and new features

4.9. Conversion optimization

4.10. Staging development envoronment

4.11. Security reviews and testing

4.12. Performance optimization

4.13. Automated functional test

5. Services - What We Do (Web Dev Related)

5.1. SaaS

5.1.1. unique admin experience

5.1.2. integrated API

5.1.3. Server set Stack up

5.1.4. WordPress add on integration

5.1.5. Monetization consulting

5.2. Multisite

5.2.1. Building a multisite

5.2.2. Tech implementation

5.3. Plugin Development

5.4. Website

5.4.1. Responsive Website Development

5.4.2. WordPress Website development

5.4.3. Unique website design

5.4.4. Full service website managment

5.4.5. Website improving and debugging

5.4.6. Website that actually sell

5.4.7. From a concept to a live website

5.5. eCommerce

5.6. Security

5.6.1. Platform security review

5.6.2. Security code review

5.6.3. Security setup

5.6.4. Ongoing monitoring and security reviews

5.7. Performance

5.7.1. WordPress database fine tunning

5.7.2. WordPress server configuration and tuning

5.7.3. WordPress plugin optimization

5.7.4. WordPress theme optimization

5.7.5. Caching

5.7.6. WordPress image optimizatoin

5.7.7. Front end performance

5.7.8. offloading request to external sources

5.8. Migration

5.8.1. Migrating existing WordPress sites

5.8.2. Convert Your platform to a Website

5.9. Web Dev

5.10. Code Review

5.10.1. Slow website

5.10.2. security issues

5.10.3. compatibility problems

5.11. Support

5.11.1. Emergency support

5.11.2. maintenance

5.11.3. Ongoing WordPress Development

6. Services - What We Do (Marketing Related)

6.1. Content Marketing

6.2. Social Media Marketing

6.3. Email Marketing

6.4. Unique content preposition

6.4.1. Infographics

6.4.2. White papers

6.4.3. Research studies

6.4.4. Quizes

6.4.5. Presentations

6.4.6. Interviews

6.5. Landing Pages

6.6. UX optimizations

6.7. Mutli-Channel content production