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Who Am I? создатель Mind Map: Who Am I?

1. Who do I live with?

1.1. Family

1.1.1. Parents

1.1.2. Siblings

1.1.3. Pets

1.1.4. Other family

1.1.5. Family structure

1.2. Friends

1.2.1. What we like to do

1.2.2. Who are your friends

2. What do I like?

2.1. Favorite foods

2.2. Hobbies, favorite activities

2.3. Places to go

2.3.1. What about that place?

2.4. Play with friends

3. What do I look like?

3.1. Physical characteristics

3.2. Eating

3.3. Health

4. What and when do I feel?

4.1. Emotions

4.1.1. Sad, angry, happy, worried, grossed out

4.2. Situations that cause them

5. How do I help others?

5.1. Responsibilities

5.2. How do they help in return