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My Beauty Blog создатель Mind Map: My Beauty Blog

1. History of makeup

1.1. Egyptians invented makeup (c.3100-2907 BC)

1.2. Both men and women were known to wear copious amounts of makeup, which they believed gave them the protection of the gods Horus and Ra. These cosmetics were made by grinding ores like malachite and galena into a substance called kohl

1.3. It all goes back to the ancient Egyptians, who were the first women to wear makeup. In a way, the basic motive back then was the same as it is today- just like modern day supermodels, the well-to-do women of ancient Egypt wanted to look their best and saw the careful application of face-paint as a means to that end

2. How did makeup evolve?

2.1. In ancient Egypt it was made by grinding green malachite, galena - a gray lead ore, cerussite, a white carbonate of lead, and sometimes small amounts of the lead compounds laurionite and phosgenite, into a powder and mixing it with oil or fat.

2.2. natural color, Vaseline mixed with fragrance

2.3. tatoos'

2.3.1. 1930's first lip gloss (max factor)

2.3.2. pressed powders (1920) puff for touchups

3. makeup now

3.1. foundations, eye shadows, lip stick/liner, mascara, guy liner, etc.

3.2. eyelashes, contour, highlight, mac lipsticks