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Application Generation (3) создатель Mind Map: Application Generation (3)

1. Translators: Interpreters

1.1. An interpreter translates code into machine code, instructions by instructions - the CPU executes each instruction before the interpreter moves onto translate the next instruction. Interpreted code will show an error as soon as it hits a problem, so it is easier to debug then compiled code. An interpreter does not create an independent final set of source code - source code is created each time it runs. Interpreted code is slower to execute then compiled code. Interpreted languagues include JavaScript and Python. Interpreted languages are also called scripting languages. These are ideal for using within dynamic web applications.

2. Translator: Assembler

2.1. An assembler translates assembly language into machine code. Assembly language is a low-level language (written in mnemonics) that closely reflects the operation of the CPU.

3. Translators: Compiler

3.1. A compiler translates the whole program into machine code before the program is run. It can be difficult to test individual lines of compiled code compared to interpreted languages as all bugs are reported after the program has compiled. The machine code is saved and stored separately to the high-level code. Compilation is slow but machine code can be executed quickly. Java and C++ are compiled programming languages. Java is high level language which is compiled to produce bytecode, which is interpreted by a virtual machine (VM). Bytecode is code which is compiled and can then be interpreted.