Differentiation Strategies for the Arts Classroom {based on pre-assessment.}

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Differentiation Strategies for the Arts Classroom {based on pre-assessment.} создатель Mind Map: Differentiation Strategies for the Arts Classroom {based on pre-assessment.}


1.1. Go through planned instruction in Unit plan found by clicking the arrow

1.1.1. Unit Plan Summary: -Show students slideshow on American Modernism and Artist Charley Harper. -Have students complete formative assessment in the form of a group research assignment with guided notes they need to fill in. -Have students begin Art project (summative assessment) which is a hand painted paper collage of a bird in the style of Charley Harper.

1.2. Use the planned Summative Assessment to track students Progress.

2. click on the arrow to view the Pre-assessment used to create these strategies.


3.1. Provide one on one instruction, where you can provide feedback to the students questions.

3.2. Using a projector, project the images you are discussing in your unit and point out the visual characteristics in the image.

3.3. Allow students to work in a group and rely on each other to for support in understanding visual concepts. At times Students are able to communicate better amongst their peers.

3.4. Take visual images from life, not necessarily art works and explain the same visual concepts. This may allow students to experience a different perspective and develop a deeper understanding.

3.5. Use multiple formative Assessments that can be verbal checks for understanding, or by collecting all projects in the middle of the unit and leaving sticky note comments for the students to read.

4. STUDENTS WHO DID EXCEPTIONALLY WELL {answered MOST questions correctly=5 Students}

4.1. Allow students who know the material very well to work in groups with their friends, and help explain visual concepts. I find that students are really willing to help explain things in their own terms to their peers, and it gives a great boost of confidence.

4.2. Allow students to voice their opinion about their own taste in Art works, so they can develop their own curiosity and interesting in Visual Language. Give one on one feedback to help guide students in a direction they might be interested in.