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6th Grade создатель Mind Map: 6th Grade

1. Math

1.1. We learned about circumferance, area, diameter, and radius of a circle.

1.2. We learned about order of operations.

1.3. We learned about angles of different shapes.

2. Digital Skills

2.1. We learned about online saftey.

2.2. We learned how to use WeVideo and other video editing sites.

2.3. We learned how to use different editing sites for photo´s.

3. Writing

3.1. We learned VEEP skills.

3.2. We learned about the things entrepreneurs do on the show ¨Shark Tank¨.

3.3. We wrote a story about our passions.

4. Science

4.1. We learned about wavelength and frequency

4.2. We learned about how the cones in your eyes see light.

4.3. We learned about that if you are exposed to stuff that is over 85 decibels you could get hearing damage.

5. Social Studies

5.1. We learned about the Dakota and there way of life.

5.2. We learned about World War I And world War ll.

5.3. We learned about the history of Minnesota.

6. Reading

6.1. We learned about poetry.

6.2. We went down to the river for a phenology project.

6.3. We learned about the different types of reading like mythology, poetry, etc.