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Cockroaches создатель Mind Map: Cockroaches

1. Eating Habits

1.1. Cockroaches eat nearly everything e.g. other insects, plants, wood, paint, glue, soap, shoe polish, beer etc.

1.1.1. This means cockroaches are able to easily be fed as they are not fussy eaters. They can go for long periods of time without food or drink. This means that they are good at surviving.

1.2. Cockroaches can survive 1 whole month without eating anything however they can only survive 1 week without water.

2. Types Of Cockroaches

2.1. There are 4 thousand different species of cockroaches in the world.

2.1.1. The New Zealand native cockroach, the kēkerengū, has to be the stinkiest. People call it "The Stink Roach" It grows up to 4cm in length and eats rotting wood.

2.1.2. Brown Kiwis love the kēkerengū, its one of their favourite foods.

2.2. New Zealand is also home to several non native species. eg. The German Australian and American cockroach.

3. The Ultimate Escape Artist

3.1. A cockroach can run up to speeds of 5 kilometres an hour and squeeze through a gap the width of a 10c coin.

3.2. If squashed you are left with a crunchy brown shell and sticky white stuff. The white stuff is fat the cockroach stores to give it energy. The crunchy brown shell is an exoskeleton that grows on the outside of the body.

4. Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures which mean they live at night and sleep during the day.

4.1. They hunt at night to gather food for the next day (night)

4.2. Cockroaches usually hide under/in things during the day and come out at night.

5. Survivors

5.1. Cockroaches are nearly indestructible and impossible to kill.

5.1.1. Cockroaches can survive a week without their heads! This is because the brain is spread along the body.

5.2. Cockroaches have been around for over 350 million years. That's 180 million years before the dinosaur.

5.2.1. This shows how capable cockroaches are at surviving. They have been around for millions of years and adapting to they world changing. They even survived the thing that killed the dinosaurs.

5.3. Scientists think that cockroaches are the most likely creature to survive a nuclear war.