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Bold Moves - Chapter 1 создатель Mind Map: Bold Moves - Chapter 1

1. Contemporary Roles

1.1. self-navigator

1.1.1. deliberately informed decisions about learning pathway

1.1.2. model consummate learners - two roles of teacher and learner active experience

1.2. social contractor

1.2.1. co-investigators in collaborative learning contract

1.2.2. empower learners to select partnerships for learning

1.3. media critic and media maker

1.3.1. receptive literacy - make meaning through reading and listening

1.3.2. generative literacy - create meaning through writing and speaking

1.3.3. prep to be critics of online sources & instruct them how to read a website - both central to cultivating self navigation

1.4. innovative designer

1.4.1. out-side the box thinking

1.4.2. investigate issues with a broader scope

1.4.3. compose a thoughtfully rendered soultion

1.5. globally connected citizen

1.5.1. understanding of concerns and issues that transcend borders

1.5.2. Four global competencies Investigate, Recognize, Communicate, Take action

2. Three Clusters of Pedagogy

2.1. Antiquated

2.1.1. student absorbs information

2.1.2. teacher:disseminator::student:receptacle

2.2. Classical

2.2.1. more confident, self-directed learners

2.2.2. stimulate critical and creative thinking

2.2.3. Four C's and project-based

2.3. Contemporary

2.3.1. Always evolving; Use of technoology

2.3.2. Maintain classical, but employ new methods

2.3.3. Best way to engage modern student

3. What does this mean?

3.1. Teachers learn WITH the students

3.2. Teachers and students BOTH fill all 5 roles