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Entreprenurial Brynne создатель Mind Map: Entreprenurial Brynne

1. Organized

1.1. Thoughts

1.2. Tasks

1.3. Priorities

2. Committed to the Best

2.1. Be patient and flexible

2.2. Be willing

2.3. Go above and beyond

2.4. Serve your customers

3. Gratitude

3.1. Value worth

3.2. Pay it forward

3.3. Be thankful for opportunities

4. Driven

4.1. Turn failure into success

4.2. Improve on weaknesses

5. Healthy Habits

5.1. Confidence

5.2. Consider the possibilities

5.3. Positive self-talk

5.4. Be willing to learn

5.5. Separate work and personal life

6. Focus

6.1. Don't multi-task

6.2. Time management

6.3. Make daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goals

7. Motivation

7.1. Be your own boss

7.2. Money

7.3. Working towards your dreams, not someone else.

7.4. Daughter/future kids

8. Critical Skills

8.1. Communication

8.2. Creativity

8.3. Decision making

8.4. Teamwork