Psychological Aspect of an Athlete's Rehab

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Psychological Aspect of an Athlete's Rehab создатель Mind Map: Psychological Aspect of an Athlete's Rehab

1. 1. In Process of my Second Rehab

1.1. Shoulder Surgery # 2

1.2. Wondered how others cope

1.3. Maintaining Mental Health

1.4. Not getting discouraged

1.5. Do others feel the same?

2. 3. ii. Talk to Peers

2.1. Talked to Lindsay Henry

2.1.1. Women's Soccer

2.1.2. Sprained Ankle

2.1.3. short rehab

2.1.4. Not really mentally affected by it

2.2. Talked to Anna Munger

2.2.1. Women's Swimming

2.2.2. 2 Knee Surgeries

2.2.3. Struggles Wrote story about it

2.2.4. Frustrations

2.2.5. Unknown?

2.2.6. 3 years+ of dealing with injuries

3. 2. Research

3.1. Searched Google

3.2. Scientific studies

3.3. Needed more information

3.4. Didn't find much

3.5. Journal/magazine articles

4. 4. i. Talk to ATR

4.1. losses- control, safety, identity

4.2. stages- Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

4.3. Impacts of treatment- blaming, compliance, reinjuries, pain, support

4.4. Importance of education and goal setting

5. 5. iii. Athletic Magazines

5.1. Tips on Injury prevention

5.2. coping with injury

5.3. typical injuries for specific sport

5.4. Personal injury stories