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Life Goals создатель Mind Map: Life Goals

1. Business Goals

1.1. Start my own company

1.2. Link to other companies

1.3. Become CEO of a big company

2. Family Goals

2.1. Spend more time with family

2.2. Make more family trips

2.3. Get to know family's history

3. Health Goals

3.1. Get skinny

3.2. Loose some weight

3.3. Stop eating chips

4. Skills

4.1. Learn to use Photoshop

4.2. Learn to Decode

4.3. Start a Diplomat

5. Hobbies

5.1. Sign up for 10 K in the fall

5.2. Learn to play an instrument

5.3. Read a book

6. Friends

6.1. Get to know new people

6.2. Start new activities

6.3. Stop hanging out in bars