Define: You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portrays them in a bad situation on s...

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Define: You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media создатель Mind Map: Define: You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media

1. Explore the Alternatives: There are multiple ways that I could handle the situation. 1, I could show my friend the picture, and let him deal with it. 2, I could go to a teacher/principal/counsellor and inform them of the situation. 3, I could do nothing and just let the picture spread.

2. Consider the Consequences: If I weren't to do anything, the person this cyber bullying is aimed at can get very hurt, not in physical ways, but emotionally and mentally.

3. Identify Your Values: My personal values include helping any friend in need, that I am able to, and this seems like it is very much that, but at the same time I also value keeping out of things, and trying not to get involved in anything to bad.

4. Decide and Act: I've decided to attempt and help, as much as I can, and make sure the victim of this doesn't feel sad, and make sure the picture goes off the internet.

5. Evaluate you're results: Lets say I get the picture off the internet, then I feel that it has affected people for all the right reasons, I've stopped the victim from feeling bad, I don't think it would have affected my life, as much. Overall think it would be a good decision.