Define the Problem: You have been served food you do not particularly like, but it will be the on...

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Define the Problem: You have been served food you do not particularly like, but it will be the only meal until breakfast создатель Mind Map: Define the Problem: You have been served food you do not particularly like, but it will be the only meal until breakfast

1. Explore the Alternatives: I could eat the food that I'm given or I could not eat the food.

2. Consider the Consequences: If I choose not to eat the food, I could be doing activities in between under the sun and I might pass out because of lack of nutrients. If I do eat the food, at least I'll have something to digest during the day.

3. Identify Your Values: I want to eat healthy and just overall, be healthy. If I don't eat the food, then I'm worried that I will risk my health and my body. And if I don't eat the food, I would just be starving because I was stubborn/picky.

4. Decide and Act: Considering that I would like to be healthy, I think the best option for me is to eat the food.

5. Evaluate the Results: I noticed that after I ate, my stomach didn't feel like it hurt as much as it sometimes does. I stopped complaining about how bad it hurt. And my friends stopped talking to me about how annoying it was to hear me talk about it.