Define the problem. Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing ...

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Define the problem. Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions создатель Mind Map: Define the problem.   Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions

1. Consider the consequences 1.You could be talking to a sex offender. 2. Spreads that information online. 3. Uses that info as blackmail. 4. He/she may know you and be going as a different alias and uses that info to hurt or bully you.

2. Explore the alternatives 1.Quit the game 2. Block that person 3. Ignore him/her until you are not being bothered. 3. If you are still being bothered report him.

3. Identify your values I value money but not as much as getting people's trust and respect. As well as keeping my pride so I would report and block him and don't say anything to him.

4. Decide and act The best option is to do all options first report him, then block him, then quit the game because chances are if you got this problem once, it will happen again and that might no be so appropriate

5. Evaluate the results 1. My decision went well, no more people trying to ask me weird questions and I focus on homework and going outside now. 2. Like I said before I do less of gaming and more of going outside and Homework. 3. Well I insist my friends to have fun with me outdoors and tell them to get off their computers. 4. I learned every decision I make counts. 5. I wouldn't report him because he maybe just a person like me but playing a prank.