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Software создатель Mind Map: Software

1. System Software

1.1. Types of System Software

1.1.1. Operating System OS is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer Stand Alone OS Server OS Embedded / Mobile OS

1.1.2. Utility Program A type of system software that allows a user to perform maintainence-type task File Manager Disc Cleanup Compression Tools Annti-Virus Program Spyware Remover Disk Defragmenter Backup and restore

2. Types Of Operating System

2.1. Stand Alone OS

2.1.1. complete operating system that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing devices

2.1.2. Proprietry sofware-Windows,Mac OS X

2.1.3. Open Source Software - Unix, Linux, Ubuntu

2.2. Server OS

2.2.1. OS that is designed to support a network

2.2.2. Proprietry Software - Windows Server 2008, Netware

2.2.3. Open Source Software - Unix, Linux, Solaris

2.3. Embedded / Mobile OS

2.3.1. OS that resides on a ROM chip on a mobile device or consumer electronic device

2.3.2. Proprietry Software - Windows Embedded, Windows Phone 7, Iphone OS

2.3.3. Open Source software - Google Android, Embedded Linux

3. Function of OS

3.1. Start and Shutdown a computer

3.1.1. the process of restarting a computer is called booting cold boot warm boot

3.2. Provide a user interface

3.2.1. controls how you enter data and instructions, how information is displayed on the screen Graphical User Interface (GUI) Command Line Interface

3.3. Manage Program

3.3.1. How and OS handles programs directly affects your productivity An OS manages multiple programs and processes while you use teh computer

3.4. Manage Memory

3.4.1. OS alllocates data and instructions to memory while they are being processed, monitors the content of memory and release from memory when the processor no longer required them memory management optimizes the use of RAM

3.5. coordinate task

3.5.1. the operating system determines the order in which tasks are processed

3.6. configure device

3.6.1. short for driver- a small program that tells the OS how to communicate with a specific device most device and OS support plug and play

3.7. Establish and Internet connection

3.7.1. OS typically provide a means to establish Internet connection Windows automatically configures some broadband Internet connections as soon as you connect to broadband line

3.8. Monitor performance

3.8.1. A performance monitor is a program that assesses and reports information about various computer resources and devices

3.9. Automatically Update

3.9.1. Automatic update automatically provides upodates to the program

3.10. control a network

3.10.1. some operating systems are designed to work with a server on a computer

3.11. Administer security

3.11.1. computer and network administrators typically have an administrator account that enables them to access all files and programs on the computer or network, install programs and specify settings that affect all users on computer or network

4. Types Of Application Software

4.1. Web Browser

4.1.1. A software that allows users to access and interact with software from any computer or devices that is connected to the internet

4.1.2. Eg : Internet explorer, Safari, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

4.2. Word Processing

4.2.1. A Software that allows users to create and manipulate documents

4.2.2. Eg : Microsoft Office word, Pages ( Apple)

4.3. Spreadsheet

4.3.1. Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform calculations

4.3.2. Eg : Microsoft Office Excel, Numbers ( Apple)

4.4. Database

4.4.1. A database is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval and use of that data

4.4.2. Eg : Microsoft office access, oracle DB

4.5. Presentation

4.5.1. Presentation software allows users to create visual aids for presentation to communicate ideas, messages and other information to a group

4.5.2. Eg : Microsoft Office Powerpoint, keynote (Apple)

5. Definition - A set of instructions that tells the computer what tasks to perform

6. Categories of software

6.1. Open Source Software

6.1.1. created by unpaid volunteers, begin to gain wide acceptance among computer users

6.1.2. Free

6.2. Proprietry Software

6.2.1. Privately owned and limited to a specific vendor or computer model

6.2.2. license / paid

7. Utility Program

7.1. File manager

7.1.1. to provide routine file management tasks

7.2. Disc cleanup

7.2.1. searches and removes unnecessary files

7.3. compression tools

7.3.1. to shrinks the size of a file

7.4. Anti-virus Program

7.4.1. To protects a computer against viruses by identifying and removing any computer viruses found in memory, on storage media or incoming files

7.5. Spyware Remover

7.5.1. to detects and delete spyware

7.6. Disc Defragmenter

7.6.1. to recognizes the files and unused space on computer hard disk so that the OS accesses data more quickly and programs run faster

7.7. Backup and Restore

7.7.1. A backup utility allows users to copy files to another storage medium in case of damage or lost

8. Application Software

8.1. Application software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or assist with personal tasks