Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have. Thomas Edison

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Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have. Thomas Edison создатель Mind Map: Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.   Thomas Edison

1. Interests

1.1. Anime

1.1.1. One Piece

1.2. Music

1.2.1. Folk Songs, Rock

1.3. Technology

1.3.1. AI, computers

1.4. Sports

1.4.1. Basketball, table tennis, jogging

2. Hobies

2.1. Painting

2.2. Listening music

2.3. jogging

3. Talents

3.1. Writing, Playing instrumant (bağlama), painting

4. Values

4.1. Family

5. Personality Traids

5.1. Quiet

5.2. at the same time polite and rude

5.3. Not energyc