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Galileo создатель Mind Map: Galileo

1. Finished game

1.1. Deadline 9th of September

1.2. Customer aftercare and possible updates

2. Problems

2.1. Schedule

2.1.1. 9 months

2.2. How to make the game educational and fun

2.3. How to make it original

2.4. Proper size of the game

2.5. Good quality and well working game

2.6. 3D takes a lot of time

2.7. Teams work in different locations

2.8. Installing games to schools devices

2.8.1. Plugins?

2.8.2. IT-services to install games

2.8.3. Browser-game?

2.9. Possible problems in co-operation with the client

2.10. Funding

3. Motives

3.1. Fun and educative

3.2. Improving the interest in physics among young

3.3. More students and future professionals on field

3.4. Get more females to study physics

3.5. Learning physics from books can be difficult

3.6. Universities need students in physics area, otherwise their funding seizes

4. Workers

4.1. Project leader

4.2. Coder

4.3. 3D modeller

4.4. Art Designer/Leader

4.5. Game Designer

4.6. Audio

4.7. Physics experts

4.8. Teachers

4.9. Game testers

5. Analysis

5.1. Research

5.1.1. Senior lecturers LUT

5.1.2. Available material

5.1.3. Studies

5.1.4. Tampere and Helsinki High Schools

5.1.5. Gametesting Elementary schools and secondary schools in Finland

5.1.6. Target group interviews

5.2. Documentation

5.2.1. How consistent with the original plan?

5.2.2. How will it succeed?

6. Gameplay and design

6.1. 3D

6.2. 6 levels to start with

6.3. Avoiding gender stereotypes

6.4. Suitable to tablets, mac and pc

6.5. Educational

6.6. Targeted for 9-15 year old children

6.7. Finnish

7. Locations

7.1. Xamk

7.1.1. Working spaces

7.2. LUT

7.2.1. Research materials and co-operation

7.3. Ministry of education and science

7.3.1. Funding

7.3.2. Presentation of final product

7.4. The Finnish Physical Society

8. Communication between teams

8.1. Skype?

8.2. Cloud services

8.3. Meetings