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Sucessful startup создатель Mind Map: Sucessful startup

1. Stay focused

1.1. Don't waste your time

1.1.1. “Grabbing coffee” with investors

1.1.2. Talking to Corp Devs(Companies who buy companies)

1.1.3. Recruiting boards of advisors

1.1.4. Doing a “partnership,” thinking it will get you more users

1.1.5. Arguing on social media

1.1.6. . . .

1.2. Control your priorities

1.3. Solve only one problem

1.4. Avoid conferences unless they are the best way to get customers

2. Measure your growth

2.1. Talk to clients, build what they want, and iterate quickly is equal growth

2.2. Understand Unit economics. Growing your number of client but spending too much money isn't growth. Product should be monetized

3. Clients

3.1. Try to focus on 10 client with real problems. Instead of trying to solve 1000 client's passing problems

3.2. Sometimes you need to fire your customers (they might be killing you)

3.3. Avoid long negotiated deals with big customers if you can

4. Founder

4.1. Get sleep and exercise – take care of yourself

4.2. Ignore your competitors, you will more likely die of suicide than murder

4.3. Founder relationships matter more than you think

5. Understad customer problems

5.1. Don't do fake work

5.1.1. Don't bealive on hypotesis prove it

6. Do things that don't scale

6.1. If to try create products that scale it takes too much resources. That's why first MVP product should be simple

6.2. Rule 90/10. Don't try to solve 100% problems of the client. First solve 90% percent of problems client with 10% 10% of the work/effort/time

7. Fundrising(collecting money for the project)

7.1. Fundrising isn't milestone