Tips how to be successful in life

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Tips how to be successful in life создатель Mind Map: Tips how to be successful in life

1. 1. Think big from Michelangelo Buonarroti.

2. 3. Do not be afraid of failure from Henry ford.

3. 5. Avoid conflicts from Theodore Roosevelt.

4. 7. Believe in your capacity to succeed from Walter Disney.

5. 9. Be willing to work hard

6. 2. Find what you love to do and do it from Oprah Winfrey

7. 4. Have an unwavering resolution to succeed from Colonel Sanders.

8. 6. Don't be afraid of introducing new ideas from Mark Twain.

9. 8. Always maintain a positive mental attitude from Thomas Jefferson.

10. 10. Always have goals set from Delly Rios.