Why more people have sexual intercourse before marriage?

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Why more people have sexual intercourse before marriage? создатель Mind Map: Why more people have sexual intercourse before marriage?

1. Later marriage age

1.1. More women focus on higher education and career

1.1.1. Be more independent financially

1.1.2. Choose not to focus on relationship

1.2. Cohabitation

2. Pre-marital sex is easier and more accepted

2.1. Contraception

2.1.1. Birth control

2.1.2. Condoms

2.2. Increase of availability

2.2.1. Dating apps: Tinder, Match,..

2.2.2. Social network: Facebook, Instagram,...

2.3. More open-minded society

2.3.1. Reduced value of virginity

2.3.2. Less criticism on pre-marital sex

3. Young people have sex earlier

3.1. Early puberty

3.1.1. Obesity

3.1.2. Growth Hormones in Food

3.1.3. Stress

3.2. Less parental supervision

3.3. Peer Pressure

3.4. Pornography