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SKC October 20th debrief создатель Mind Map: SKC October 20th debrief

1. Fronts practically at canvas

2. Driving observations

2.1. T1

2.1.1. Entry good. Oversteer as lock increases, before apex to make late apex

2.2. T2

2.2.1. Slight push if exit from 1 is sufficiently decent

2.3. T3

2.3.1. Push on entry. Somewhat remedied with an earlier turn in. Push on exit/binding on banking

2.4. T4

2.4.1. Loose on initial rotation, tight before apex all the way to Apex

2.5. T5

2.5.1. Scrabbling for rear grip most of the way through, but especially approaching second apex through to exit.

2.6. T6

2.6.1. Push on entry. Loose from apex-out, kerb initiated

2.7. T7

2.7.1. Unremarkable/flat

2.8. T8

2.8.1. Push on entry to apex

2.9. asdasd

3. Conditions

3.1. Rad 91

3.2. Amb 70-80

3.3. Track temp not captured

4. Tires

4.1. Hoosier r60

4.2. Start pressure 12 all round

4.3. Graining evident on fronts

4.4. Cupping on LR

4.5. Wear on front heavy, rears minimal

4.5.1. F/R Seat position?

5. Track Layout

6. Motor

6.1. Barely touching limiter

6.2. Hesitation getting back on power

6.2.1. Raised needle from clip #2 to #3, no improvement

6.3. Fuel 91 non oxy pump

7. Other observations

7.1. Front of frame or floor tray bolts bottoming out frequently

7.2. Tires are pretty smoked on front

7.3. No lap times

7.4. Psi gain 2 on right, 0 ornery

7.5. Travel in brake pedal making id fairly binary....

8. Chassis setup.

8.1. Front bar in

8.2. Middle bearing out

8.3. Caster pills at zero

8.4. Front track: 3cm out on front

8.5. 5mm/side in on rear

8.6. Toe 0 unloaded

9. Things to Try

9.1. Add gear

9.2. adjust idle jetting

9.3. Check valve clearance

9.4. replace front tires

9.5. reduce slack in pedals