What are the brain functions and how does it works?

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What are the brain functions and how does it works? создатель Mind Map: What are the brain functions and how does it works?

1. Neurons

1.1. 100 bilions nerve cell

1.2. F: Ability to gather and transmit electrochemical signals

1.3. Same characteristic as other cell

1.4. Motor Neurons

1.4.1. F: Muscle Contractions

1.4.2. Axon (middle)

1.4.3. Dendritre (end)

1.4.4. Cell Body (on one end)

1.5. Sensory Neurons

1.5.1. Dendrites (on both end)

1.5.2. Axon (middle)

1.6. Interneurons

1.6.1. Carry info between motor & sensory neurons

2. Cerebrum

2.1. Frontal

2.1.1. Motor Functions

2.1.2. Conscious Thought

2.1.3. Planning

2.1.4. Problem Solving

2.1.5. Judgment

2.1.6. Impulse Control

2.1.7. Reasoning

2.1.8. Critical Thinking

2.2. Parietal

2.2.1. Cognition

2.2.2. Processing

2.2.3. Sensation

2.2.4. Speech

2.2.5. Understanding

2.2.6. Visual Attention

2.2.7. Face Recognition

2.3. Temporal

2.3.1. Hearing

2.3.2. Auditory perception

2.3.3. Language

2.3.4. Rhythm

2.3.5. Emotional Response

2.3.6. Memorising

2.3.7. Categorization

2.3.8. Ordering

2.3.9. Responses

2.4. Occipital

2.4.1. Visual

2.4.2. Colour

2.4.3. Depth

2.4.4. Motion

3. Cerebellum

3.1. Posture

3.2. Balance

3.3. Equilibrium

3.4. Voluntary Muscle Movement

4. Brainstem

4.1. Eyes Movement

4.2. Mouth Movement

4.3. Hot

4.4. Pain

4.5. Loud

4.6. Hunger

4.7. Respiratiions

4.8. Consciousness

4.9. Cardiac Function

4.10. Body Temperature

4.11. Sneezing

4.12. Involuntary Muscle Movement

4.13. Coughing

4.14. Vomiting

4.15. Swallowing

5. Diencephalon

5.1. Thalamus

5.1.1. Alertness

5.1.2. Sleep

5.1.3. Consciousness

5.1.4. Relaying Sensory Signals

5.2. Hypothalamus

5.2.1. Body Temperaturtes

5.2.2. Hunger

5.2.3. Thirst

5.2.4. Fatigue

5.2.5. Sleep

5.2.6. Circadian Rhythm

5.3. Epithalamus

5.3.1. Emotion

5.3.2. Secretion