Professional Development for 21st Century Skill Integrations

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Professional Development for 21st Century Skill Integrations создатель Mind Map: Professional Development for 21st Century Skill Integrations

1. Teachers will start making classroom activities that teach the 21st century skills

1.1. Take one skill at a time-Collaboration.

1.1.1. Do the activities with the students

1.2. Take one skill at a time-Critical Thinking

1.2.1. Do the activities with the students

1.3. Take one skill at a time-Creating

1.3.1. Do the activities with the students

1.4. Take one skill at a time-Communication

1.4.1. Do the activities with the students

2. Collaboration

3. Development

3.1. Teachers and students work to refine their activities

4. Basic Computer Skills

4.1. Learn new skills

4.1.1. Working with other teachers to reduce the skill gaps

4.2. If we don't have basic computer skills, we are going to have a hard time doing more 21st century skill integrations.

5. Advanced Computer Skills

5.1. Once we get the basic computer skills covered, we can start integrating 21st century skills in our classrooms.

6. Learning and innovation skills