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Hemingway Adventure создатель Mind Map: Hemingway Adventure

1. Born July 21st 1899. Hemingway was born in the months of the 19th century. He dressed like a girl for the first 2 years of his life.

2. In 1933, Hemingway and his second wife Pauline sailed to Kenya for an African hunting safari

3. An Austrian mortar shell shattered his knee, killed one of his companions, and blew off the legs of the second. Hemingway was then hit by machine gun fire, sustaining 227 separate wounds in his legs

4. In 1928, Hemingway moved to Key West, Florida with second wife Pauline Pfeiffer

5. Hemingway married his first wife Hadley Richardson in Chicago on September 3, 1921

6. Hemingway and his third wife lived between assignments at the Finca Vigía, an estate outside Havana that he bought in 1940 and occupied for more than 20 years.