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Rheumatoid Arthritis создатель Mind Map: Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Risk factors

1.1. Women are more likely to develop RA

1.2. Most commonly begins between 40-60 years old

1.3. Family history

1.4. Smoking

1.5. Environmental exposures

1.5.1. Abestos

1.5.2. Silica

1.5.3. Exposure to dust from World Trade Center

1.6. Obesity

1.7. Osteoporosis

2. Incidence/Prevalence

2.1. Affects more than 46 million people

2.1.1. Disables 19 million

2.2. Third most common type of arthritis

2.3. Peaks at ages 55-64 in women

2.3.1. Peaks at ages 75-84 in men

2.4. RA occurs twice the rate in women compared to men

3. Pathogenesis

3.1. Inflammatory disorder

3.2. Autoimmune disease

3.2.1. Attacks body's own tissues Joint deformity Cause physical deformities

3.2.2. Bone erosion

3.3. Immune system attacks the synovium

4. References

4.1. Rheumatoid arthritis. Mayo Clinic. (2017, August 09). Retrieved November 14, 2017.

4.2. RA Statistics 2013. (2013 October). Retrieved November 14, 2017.

5. Treatments

5.1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

5.2. Steroids

5.3. Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs

5.4. Biologic agents

5.5. Therapy

5.6. Surgery

5.6.1. Synovectomy

5.6.2. Tendon repair

5.6.3. Joint fusion

5.6.4. Total joint replacement

6. Diagnostics

6.1. Check joints for swelling

6.2. ESR

6.3. CPR

6.3.1. Indicates inflammatory process

6.4. No one blood test or physical finding can confirm the diagnosis

6.5. X ray

6.6. MRI and ultrasound help judge severity

7. Signs and Symptoms

7.1. Tender, warm swollen joints

7.2. Joint stiffness that is worse after inactivity or in the morning

7.3. Fatigue

7.4. Fever

7.5. Weight loss