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Other The case of Robyn looks at a young girl who has been identified as being seriously developmentally disabled. Her language abilities are below age norms and she suffers from behavioural issues stemming from self-regulation problems. At age 7, Robyn spent a few months at a developmental centre until she became ill. She began suffering from severe respiratory problems which resulted in her leaving the centre. At age eight, she began attending a mainstream school in a regular grade 1 class. After three weeks, a decision was made to move Robyn to a special resource class, which continued through grade four. Since then, she has been integrated into a regular class and has moved up with her classmates. Robyn began to struggle in a mainstream class due to her developmental and behavioural delays. Robyn suffers from a speech delay in which she only responds in third person and using baby-like language. She is unable to read, but she enjoys when others read to her. She also does not participate in class discussions and activities. She is incapable of completing work on her own and needs the help of others to complete tasks. She enjoys individual time at the art table however, when she gets bored she throws violent temper tantrums. Since there is no assistance available to care for Robyn in the class, the burden is put onto the classmates to care for and assist Robyn. This has become too much for her peers, causing Robyn to lose connections within the class. This has resulted in her tantrums becoming more frequent as well as severe. The principal has called for an IPRC review as a result of Robyn's needs not being met in the classroom. Robyn's mother does not want her removed and placed back in to the special education class, but there is no assistant available for Robyn in her class. The outcome of the meeting was to begin with preparing a new IEP and creating a plan using available resources.