Violencia IntraFamiliar

Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

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Violencia IntraFamiliar 作者: Mind Map: Violencia IntraFamiliar

1. 1. Comunidades Virtuales

1.1. 1.1 Violencia Intrafamiliar

1.1.1. Recruit Project Sponsor

1.1.2. Recruit Project Manager

1.1.3. Review Related Projects and Lessons Learned

1.1.4. Prepare Project Initiation Plan

1.1.5. Brief the Initial Project Team

1.1.6. Review Project Kick-off Plans and Presentation Map

1.1.7. Hold Project Kick-off Meeting

1.2. 1.2 NO Violencia Contra la Mujer

1.2.1. Establish Project Objective

1.2.2. Establish Project Scope

1.2.3. Map Requirements

1.2.4. Map Solution

1.2.5. Map Training Requirement

1.2.6. Review Project Scope

1.3. 1.3

1.3.1. Determine Project Approach, Stages and Steps

1.3.2. Estimate Project Duration

1.3.3. Establish Resource Requirements

1.3.4. Prepare Project Schedule and Budget

1.3.5. Prepare Work breakdown structure

1.3.6. Document Success Criteria

1.3.7. Review Project Schedule

1.4. 1.4 MinJusticia Colombia (@MinjusticiaCo) | Twitter

1.4.1. Identify Project Resources

1.4.2. Recruit Project Steering Committee

1.4.3. Recruit Project Coordinators

1.4.4. Identify / Recruit Key Stakeholders

1.4.5. Determine Training Requirements

1.4.6. Map the Project Organization Chart

1.4.7. Review Project Organization

1.5. 1.6 Violencia Intrafamiliar

1.5.1. Estimate Project Costs

1.5.2. Identify and Quantify Benefits

1.5.3. Determine Break-even Point

1.5.4. Analyze Risk

1.5.5. Review Business Case

2. Revistas Digitales

2.1. 2.1 Revista de Psicología GEPU - La Medición de Riesgo Biopsicosocial en la Violencia Intrafamiliar

2.1.1. Determine Frequency of Meetings

2.1.2. Schedule Meetings

2.1.3. Brief Project Board

2.1.4. Prepare Meetings

2.1.5. Conduct Meetings

2.1.6. Follow-up Meeting

2.2. 2.2





2.3. 2.3 Violencia intrafamiliar en el adulto mayor que vive en el distrito de Breña, Perú | Silva Fhon | Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

2.3.1. Update Project Schedule

2.3.2. Update Budget / Costs

2.3.3. Conduct Team Status Review

2.3.4. Create Status Report

2.4. 2.5 Maltrato: la violencia de todos los días* - Revista ¿Cómo ves? - Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia de la UNAM

2.4.1. Request Changes

2.4.2. Identify Alternative Solutions

2.4.3. Conduct Steering Committee Meeting

2.4.4. Document Change Responses

2.4.5. Implement Change(s)

2.5. 2.6 Violencia intrafamiliar contra el hombre

2.5.1. Identify Project Issues

2.5.2. Assess Impact of Issues

2.5.3. Assign Resources

2.5.4. Resolve Issue

3. 3. Blogs

3.1. 3.1 Violencia Intrafamiliar BLOG

3.1.1. Prepare Product Evaluation

3.1.2. Conduct Product Evaluation

3.1.3. Initiate Maintenance Process

3.2. 3.2 ¿Violencia intrafamiliar, una pesadilla sin fin? - Natalia Gnecco Blog | Blogs El Tiempo

3.2.1. Prepare for Project Closure Meeting

3.2.2. Conduct Project Closure Meeting

3.2.3. Follow Up Project Closure Meeting

3.3. 3.2 Violencia Intrafamiliar – Personas que nos sentimos afectados

3.3.1. Prepare Project Review

3.3.2. Conduct Project Review

3.3.3. Implement Process Improvement