News writing for the media

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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News writing for the media 作者: Mind Map: News writing for the media

1. Getting Started

1.1. Syllabus

1.2. Schedule

1.3. Reading room

1.4. SPJ code of ethics

1.5. Lecture hall

2. News writing for print

2.1. Making deadline

2.2. What is excluded

2.2.1. C7 Harrower, AP, "Media Law"

2.2.2. Leads & story structures What's the story?

3. What's the news?

3.1. Applying news judgement

3.1.1. C3 Harrower, p36-55

3.1.2. "Cop shop" handout

3.2. Facts, opinion & credibility

3.2.1. C3 Harrower, p36-55

3.3. Walking the line

4. Digital publication

4.1. Mobile world

4.2. Making a difference

5. News scripts

5.1. Interviewing

5.2. PR

5.3. Broadcast