Current Roles

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Current Roles 作者: Mind Map: Current Roles

1. We capture any one who makes it to the checkout stage of a booking, and we capture their email address if the enter it. then if they leave the website, a timer starts, as long as they dont return to the website in 20min. the first email is sent. If the guest dosnt return to book the 2nd email is sent 24 hours later, if they still dont convert the 3rd email is sent to remind in 7 days.

2. Outline a new process for when a programming team member is facing issues when communicating in a netsuite case with a AM

3. Account Manager Questions

3.1. jan 11

3.1.1. Compile list of questions asked from last few years using skype

3.1.2. Go through that list and generalize the questions so they apply in any senerio

3.1.3. Hand off that list to Han to be added as a general resource of FAQ's for maintenance related cases

3.1.4. I have a massive amount of data collected as I primarily used skype and can easily compile this data for the tea, last i checked 37k different conversations

3.2. Jan 12

3.2.1. Clear out all cases in my current netsuite queue, by completing or assigning to other teams members

3.2.2. Flush out my current emails, to make sure i've addressed any possible missed requests

3.2.3. Go through my current skype conversations and confirm all items have been addressed or passed of to the appropriate teams mebers

3.2.4. Send list of cases and work reassigned to Han

3.2.5. Outline a new process for what a AM should do if having any issues in a netsuite case with a programmer

4. Programming Team Questions

4.1. Jan 15

4.1.1. Compile list of questions asked from last few years using skype

4.1.2. Go through that list and generalize the questions so they apply in any senerio

4.1.3. Hand off that list to Han to be added as a general resource of FAQ's for maintenance related cases from programming team

4.1.4. Also a massive amount of data from programming conversations, across developers.

5. Onboarding Team Questions

5.1. Jan 16

5.1.1. Compile list of questions asked from last few years using skype

5.1.2. Go through that list and generalize the questions so they apply in any senerio

5.1.3. Hand off that list to Han to be added as a general resource of FAQ's for maintenance related cases from programming team

5.1.4. Outline a new process for when a programming team member is facing issues when communicating in a netsuite case with a AM

6. New Projects Programming Team Questions

6.1. Jan 17

6.1.1. Compile list of questions asked from last few years using skype

6.1.2. Go through that list and generalize the questions so they apply in any senerio

6.1.3. Hand off that list to Han to be added as a general resource of FAQ's for maintenance related cases from programming team

6.1.4. Outline a new process for when a programming team member is facing issues when communicating in a netsuite case with a AM

7. Sales team Quotes & Questions

7.1. Jan 18

7.1.1. Compile list of sales Quotes from last few years using skype

7.1.2. Go through that list and generalize the questions so they apply in any senerio

7.1.3. Hand off that list to Han to be added as a general resource of FAQ's for maintenance related cases from programming team

7.1.4. Outline a new process for when a programming team member is facing issues when communicating in a netsuite case with a AM

8. COMPLETED Revenue Recovery Handoff

8.1. Jan 12

8.1.1. Create new process documents for the programming team Created and sent via email for review

8.1.2. List all questions I've been asked 1. How does check out recovery work 2. Can we edit the emails that are sent? yes, any changes at all can be made, ask [email protected] to make any changes or use system yourself to edit. 3. do we have to use site pop up or booking reminder feature? no those are optional 4. Do we have to send all 3 emails or can we just send one or 2 yes, send to cartstack support to disable 5. How long does this take to implement,? Milestone takes about 1 week to accomplish, main time is on the booking engine to place the code.

8.1.3. List responces regarding each problem faced and question asked listed above

8.1.4. List all clients currently using this system This can be found here. milestone and explained further in the word document

8.1.5. Give onboarding documentation that is client facing I've also sent onboarding lead the process document I sent to programming team

9. Chat Integration Handoff

9.1. Jan 22

9.1.1. Work with Marketing and programming to outline exact requirements on the new chat system wanted on milestone website

9.1.2. Fully define for programming the chat needs

9.1.3. Also copy Han on the final pass off of what is needed from programming team

9.1.4. Pass off designs requested

9.2. Jan 23

9.2.1. Prepare a how to use and implement document for programming regarding this chat system

9.2.2. Pass off all passwords and processes to programming team

9.2.3. Copy Han on this email as well.

10. Overflow from other tasks & Misc

10.1. Jan 24

10.1.1. New Video Integration Handoff

10.1.2. Prepare new process documentation regarding usage of youtube using previously used Wisita process document and client facing document

10.1.3. Handoff to Account managers and onboarding team lead

10.1.4. Follow up on questions and projects from transition tasks (Account Manager Questions, Programmer Questions)

10.1.5. Deliver worklog of items to Han

10.2. Jan 25

10.2.1. Wufoo Handoff - really simple

10.2.2. Follow up on questions from teams regarding (New projects, Sales team Quotes)

10.2.3. Deliver worklog of items to Han

10.2.4. Double check current cases assigned in case ones were returned or new ones have been sent directly to me

10.3. Jan 26

10.3.1. Follow up on questions From revenue recovery handoff & Chat intregration handoff

10.3.2. Follow up on emails sent and received in the last couple days since last check point

11. Prepare Freelance possiblities

11.1. Jan 29

11.1.1. Outline projects I'm passionate about

11.1.2. Outline exact deliverables I'm capable of providing

11.1.3. Send to Han

11.2. Jan 30

11.2.1. Continue previous day's activities

11.3. Jan 31

11.3.1. Finalize & present to Han & Benu

11.3.2. Pack and transfer stuff