My Personal Learning Network

SOC-MED Homework 10816275

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My Personal Learning Network 作者: Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. Books

1.1. Academic

1.1.1. Textbooks

1.2. Non-Academic

1.2.1. Fiction

1.2.2. Non-Fiction

1.2.3. Novels

2. Mechanical Engineering

2.1. College of Engineering

2.1.1. Faculty

2.1.2. Batchmates

3. Current News

3.1. Television

3.1.1. ABS-CBN

3.1.2. GMA

3.2. Yahoo News

3.3. Newspaper

3.3.1. Inquirer

3.3.2. Philippine Star

4. Physical Activities

4.1. Judo

4.1.1. DLSU Judo Team

4.1.2. Philippine Judo Federation

4.1.3. Team Coaches

4.2. Badminton

4.2.1. DLSL HS Badminton Team

4.2.2. Net.Play Badminton Club Lipa

4.2.3. Fernando Airbase Badminton Team

5. Information Systems

5.1. College of Computer Studies

5.1.1. Faculty

5.1.2. Peers

6. Internet

6.1. Google

6.2. Online Articles

6.3. Google Books