Anxiety with technology

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Anxiety with technology 作者: Mind Map: Anxiety with technology

1. I think that when people put too much time into electronics devices they can get addicted and get Anxiety when they are not using a device.

2. when you see a behavior becoming destructive, and admit to having a problem, you can handle it in the same way as other types of addiction. "Develop strategies for meeting your social needs in other ways. without depending on an electronic platform.(Howard).

2.1. Because of people that uses too much electronics devices it can cause obesity.

3. people gets anxiety while there not using a device.

3.1. Social Media Can Cause or Worsen Anxiety Disorders

3.1.1. In both offline and online communities, we put ourselves at risk to anxiety inducing situations. Recently, physicians have been placing a lot of attention on social media as a trigger for anxiety. Take a look at these common online occurrences, and see how these social media platforms induce Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Some of these situations may sound too familiar to you.(Dana Duong). I agree that social media can cause Anxiety disorder when you use the social media a lot. Because people gets anxiety of social media it can cause serious health issues.

3.2. Mobile Device Separation Anxiety Is a Growing Problem

4. cyberbullying and bullying have many differences that can make the former even more devastating. With the former, victims may not know who the bully is, or why they are being targeted. The cyberbully can cloak his or her identity behind a computer or phone using anonymous email addresses or pseudonymous screen names. Second, the hurtful actions of a cyberbully are viral; that is, a large number of people (at school, in the neighborhood, in the city, in the world!) can be involved in the victimization, or at least find out about the incident with a few keystrokes or touchscreen impressions. It seems, then, that the pool of potential victims, offenders, and witnesses/bystanders is limitless.(Sameer Hinduja).

4.1. I think that both of them are still hurtful for the kids that get bullied.

4.2. Because of kids getting stress it can cause suicide thoughts.

5. people should put time limit to devices

5.1. Smartphones Will Benefit Classroom Learning

5.1.1. There are several reasons why the cell phone is a game changer: It is the device of choice by students—the kids themselves are bringing the devices to school—we adults brought laptops into schools, and they are a yawn, as are netbooks because the kids see cell phones as their generation's technology.(Elliot Soloway). I agree that smartphones or electronic devices can help students with school stuff. Because of students using an electronic devices for school it can helped them to succeed at school.

5.2. Cyberbullying Creates Dangerous Stress and Anxiety